Growl support added

Monday, 17th August 2009Short URL

If you’re one of the many people who enjoy using Hahlo in Fluid you may have been using YungSang’s Fluid userscript for Hahlo 3 which added Growl support (among other things). Now Growl is supported out-of-the-box.

To turn on Growl Notifications you’ll need to head to the ‘settings’ page and turn on the Growl option (at the bottom), you’ll also need to have ‘auto refresh’ turned on.

Hahlo4 Growls...

For those who follow hundreds or thousands of people, you might not want 50 Growl messages popping up every couple of minutes (I know I wouldn’t), so I’m planning to add some extra options related to Growl. For example, I will be adding a “summary notification” option, which will just display one notification saying something like “12 new tweets”, and might include a list of the usernames for those tweets.

5 Responses

  1. Looks like I have found a solution. I had to rebuild the Fluid app and it now seems to be working. Turned off inline replies as well.

  2. Just had a thought (really should have thought of this before), do you have either of the “inline replies” or “inline messages” options turned on? These options will currently automatically disable the auto-refresh (as they also do in Hahlo 3) because they’ll will burn through api calls quickly. I do plan to “fix” this just haven’t had a chance to find the best approach to allow it without running out of api requests under normal usage conditions.

  3. Still not having any luck. I think the root to my problem seems to be that it’s not auto-refreshing. Hasn’t since I turned on auto-refresh earlier today.

  4. Ok, just tried it myself in my existing Hahlo/Fluid SSB, and this is what I had to do to get it working.

    • In System Preferences -> Growl check to see if your Hahlo/Fluid SSB is listed in the applications (because mine wasn’t)
    • If it is listed, remove it. (Or if its listed but not enabled, just enable it and test to see if the notifications start working)
    • Turn Auto-refresh and Growl notifications on in Hahlo, and then quit your SSB
    • Relaunch SSB and now check the Application list in System Preferences -> Growl, hopefully it should be listed now (or again if you previously removed it)

    That’s all I had to do to get the notifications working in my existing Fluid SSB, let me know how you get on.

  5. I haven’t had any luck with the Growl notifications or the auto refresh. Neither seem to be working. I removed the old script in case that might be interfering, but still no go. Any idea on what might be amiss?